2010년 11월 10일 수요일

What is "Glocalization"?

Glocalizationis a blend of two words, globalization and localization. It happens when companies adapt their products to the people they want to sell their products to. It is when a product is made for the purpose of global marketing but customized to suit the local culture. The term “glocal” in the word “glocalization” refers to “the individual, group, division, unit, organization, and community which is willing and able to think globally and act locally.” (Wikipedia)

Glocalization" is done to appeal to individuals in a specific location. A product, when it comes to its globalization, is more likely to succeed when it is adapted to a specific local area or culture it is marketed in because when if the product is adapted to a specific local area or culture, it means that the company pays attention to the customer’s different needs and different cultural approaches and who wouldn’t like a product specially made for oneself?

It can also be said to be the dialogue between the global and local sectors. So, a global corporation’s goal wouldn’t be to say “here’s your product” but “how can we make a product that will satisfy you?”

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